- A piece of legislation is a "statute," not a "statue." (See document below, page 3.)
- The principal is your pal. So is the original amount of a debt. That's an important principle. (Page 6.)
- Microsoft Word's spellchecker notwithstanding, tortfeasors usually act "tortiously" rather than "tortuously." (Page 5.)
- Be careful with punctuation, as it can change the meaning of a sentence. "Wrong bitches" means something entirely different from "Wrong, bitches"; and "Sorry bitches" means something different from "Sorry, bitches." (Pages 3 & 4.)
- It tends to be counterproductive to refer to "ass clown judges" or "this goddamn piece of shit" in a petition for rehearing. (Pages 2, 4-6.)
Petition for Rehearing
(Hat tip: Lowering The Bar via The Volokh Conspiracy.)